Giveaway, Simon Says Stamp

Cacti Watercolor Card using Daniel Smith Watercolors + $100 Prize Pack Giveaway

by May Park-

Do you remember that I went to a craft retreat in Ohio last October? Of course, I had so much fun hanging out with my craft squad for a few days. I rarely did crafting, though as I was so busy chatting with my friends. Hehe.. 🙂

While I was there, I was able to complete one piece of watercolor card. Yay!!! So proud of myself! FYI, this image is illustrated by my super talented friend, Suzy Plantamura.

For my coloring project, I borrowed some supplies from my friends: Simon Says Stamp’s succulent doodle print from Kathy Rachossin, Daniel Smith watercolors from Lydia Fidler, and Zen watercolor brush from Kristina Werner.

The earthy colors are not my go-to colors, but I enjoyed coloring the little succulents images. I love how my watercolor card turned out! What do you think?

*Note: This morning I accidentally published my draft post for the Pinkfresh Studio release blog hop. These 6 ladies were kind enough to leave a comment telling me about my mistake. No one blamed me for publishing an empty post. Thank you, ladies! As an apology, I’m giving away a prize pack valued at over $100.

$100 Prize Pack Giveaway

I’m giving away one prize pack valued at over $100 including new/old/used stamps, dies, embellishments from various companies. For a chance to win, leave a comment below telling me about your silly mistake you have made before.

I’ll announce one lucky winner on 2/6/2018. The winner will also receive a handmade card from me. 🙂


  1. Laura j

    I’ve made many mistakes! In crafting, in parenting…but grace abounds for me!

    Jan . 30 . 2018
  2. Kirsty Vittetoe

    Haha…. silly mistake, I have a lot, I even have one recently that is crafting/blogging related, kind of embarrassing though, one day last week, I just bought a GC for a blog friend’s BD, and then I went to Simon Says Stamp and there was a blog hop there, my mind was so filled up with the previous activity at hero arts, I left a comment at SSS and told them that I LOVE HERO ARTS!!! That is quite bad of me, LOL! And I really wish that they won’t pick my name as a winner for that blog hop because it is extremely embarrassing! : 0 I am such a dork sometimes!

    Jan . 30 . 2018
  3. Marisela Delgado

    I get so upset sometimes when I goof on a card, but then I realize that that is what makes it handmade and that it can’t be perfect. =) I recently made a card for a friend and when I went to cut the border to frame only two sides, I cut one side too short and had to tack on a small piece. Duh. That;s what I get for “eye balling” it. ha-ha

    Jan . 30 . 2018
  4. Liza Dehnel

    Silly mistakes sometimes have the greatest outcomes! This card is the cutest! The most recent one is forgetting my towel for the gym bag (I now have a brand new towel that stays in my gym bag)

    Jan . 30 . 2018
  5. Rebecca Ednie

    You don’t have to use all earthy colours for succulents. Some including ones I have are quite intense and bright. They have ‘flowers’ that are crayon red and yellow and the green is also bright! I make silly mistakes all the time. I searched high and low spending many hours looking for a jewelry book. I finally bought the ebook. A week later the book was right on my shelf. What???

    Jan . 30 . 2018
  6. Pri

    Love the earthy colours you’ve used on the images….I have hit ‘publish’ instead of ‘save’ on my drafts too many times to count…and then frantically gone and deleted them from everywhere they were auto posted like google+ ,pinterest etc….repeatedly silly I guess… 🙂

    Jan . 30 . 2018
  7. Cathy

    I make so many silly mistakes! I tend to hit send on emails too early!

    Jan . 30 . 2018
  8. Jennifer Archambault

    Silly mistakes are a constant in my life. So many I could fill a book with them. The latest was when I put the wrong name inside a Birthday card I made special for someone else. Oh well! It happens and we just have to remember to laugh at ourselves! Thanks for sharing and being human.

    Jan . 30 . 2018
  9. Kilcha Goos

    Whenever I’m stamping with friends and get something a tad crooked, or not *perfect*, we just look at each other and say “that’s how they’ll know it’s handmade!” But, being a perfectionist, we often rip off the crooked part, re-stamp, and fix the mistake…even though the recipient likely wouldn’t have even noticed!

    Just a few days ago I boiled some eggs after dinner and left them on the stove to cool for a bit. In the morning, guess what was still on the stove? Thank goodness it wasn’t a more costly mistake or I would have been really mad at myself. In the end, mistakes are human nature, and hopefully we learn and grow from the ones we make! 🙂

    Jan . 30 . 2018
  10. Angela Myhre

    I often dip my paint brushes in whatever drink I have near me… 🤢

    Jan . 30 . 2018
  11. Isabelle

    Let’s talk about something beautiful first, your card ! It’s really awesome, I love your work with the watercolor.

    Then ONE silly mistake, only – LOL ! Last autumn, I wanted to visit a new store outside town. Nearly impossible to go there with public transportation (it would have taken me at least 1 1/2 hour one way, so I took my scooter. After taking off my helmet, I decided to leave the drink I had in my handbag in the compartment under the seat as the shop was selling the same brand. When I entered the shop, I realize I still had the drink with me…. in the scooter’s compartment, safely closed, were my scooter’s keys !!!!!!

    Jan . 30 . 2018
  12. Kathy Roehrer

    Thanks for the chance to win! I just sent a birthday package to my nephew, forgot to put in the card I made him 🙁 Sent the card when discovered it! Thanks again, Kathy Roehrer

    Jan . 30 . 2018
  13. Laureen

    Aw how sweet are you?! And girl, I’ve made so many silly mistakes – beginning at falling into a bush in the middle of a school day because my friend and I decided to pretend we are Harry Potter flying on brooms up to breaking out my two front teeth because I again fell down because I didn’t want to be the catcher in our class game we had in the breaks. The card is absolutely stunning May!

    Jan . 30 . 2018
  14. Kailash

    I’ve made so many silly mistakes like accidentally leaving something in the refrigerator instead of in the pantry. Life is I guess funny like that!

    Jan . 30 . 2018
  15. Nanna R L

    I study conservation and I was working on some 5.000 year old wood from the Stone Age in Denmark. The wood was found in waters, it had been used for a large fishing net. I had freezedried the wood, and i should glue some pieces together, when I tried to press the two pieces together, it kept breaking other places. The wood is very fragile and i kept breaking it. I felt like the most untalented conservator 😉 BUT it was my first time working with this material! Many other times i just put an inky finger on a cardproject or so !

    YOur cacti is cute!

    Jan . 30 . 2018
  16. Patt H.

    Love those adorable succulents! Your coloring is awesome as is Suzy’s drawing. We all make mistakes sometimes & the ability to laugh about it really helps. I once mixed up my sealed envelopes & sent the sympathy card to the birthday girl & vice versa. What a faux pas that was! Luckily they both found it humorous but I was so embarrassed!

    Jan . 30 . 2018
  17. Being Fifi

    I’ve turned up to a class to lecture and taken the wrong lecture notes with me (on more than one occasion…) just like the six ladies my class have been supportive of my mistakes…

    Jan . 30 . 2018
  18. Susan Romito

    I love the earthy colors – beautiful card!!
    I have made more than in embarrassing typo and not caught it until MUCH later!!

    Jan . 30 . 2018
  19. annheidel

    I once had my post scheduled and ready to go for a blog hop thing, went in later to fix a mistake, and then forgot to hit publish again so it didn’t post when it was supposed to since it stayed in draft. I was so embarrassed! I hate making mistakes like that but we are all human and it’s okay. The retreat looks like lots of fun!

    Jan . 30 . 2018
  20. Lindar C

    You are so lucky, you got to hang out with those awesome ladies! I got the draft notice as well, but knew you would fix it eventually. As for silly mistakes, forgetting to put the gift card in before sealing the envelope, I’ve learned a heat gun comes in handy for opening an envelope without damaging it.

    Jan . 30 . 2018
  21. Michele

    Sounds like you had fun at the retreat. I do the same and spend more time talking than working on my projects. You cactus card is colored beautifully. I love cacti and have a few at home but have a hard time getting the coloring right when making cards. Thank you for the inspiration and the generous giveaway..

    Jan . 30 . 2018
  22. Natalie Winterstein

    You are so sweet! I love your blog and can’t wait to see the videos! Yesterday I needed to make an address correction on one of my coworkers insurance account. I forgot to write down the needed information for the HR manager. I felt so silly! 🙂

    Jan . 30 . 2018
  23. jen forster

    These are so awesome – I LOVE succulents stamps – I may have to try this myself. My silly mistakes often happen when making the “sandwich” while die cutting – I recently forgot the top cutting plate and bent/curled my new die 🙁

    Jan . 30 . 2018
  24. SusanME

    Love this card! And the wonderful pictures from that retreat – what fun! As for silly mistakes? I certainly make my share of them! Usually at a dinner party when I leave something out of a course and don’t realize it until halfway through the course…

    Jan . 30 . 2018
  25. writtencards

    Silly mistakes make us human 🙂 You are a wonderful teacher and the card is So pretty.

    Jan . 30 . 2018

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