
$100 Prize Pack Giveaway + Crafted Kindness at Online Card Classes

by May Park-


Hello, my crafty friends! I am excited to announce that I’m one of the guest artists for Crafted Kindness at Online Card Classes.

Crafted Kindness is a video bundle of 30 ALL NEW cardmaking videos from industry artists. 100% of after-tax profits will go directly to those affected by the recent hurricanes in the Southern United States and the Caribbean.

Coming Together For A Cause

The crafting community has always been committed to sharing acts of kindness. When one person sends a card to another, the act is small but powerful. And when we come together for a cause, we can help make the world a better place. Numerous communities in the southern United States and Caribbean are still working to recover from the devastation caused by the recent hurricanes. So, we gathered a group of talented cardmakers with a shared goal in our hearts: to help those affected by the hurricanes. Crafted Kindness is the result.

100% of after-tax profits from Crafted Kindness will go directly to help those in the areas hit by the hurricanes. We plan to distribute the funds to families in need or institutions with minimal overhead who can have a high impact on the recovery efforts. And we will be sharing exactly where our donations end up, so be sure to keep your eyes open for that update on social media.

I hope you get some inspiration and give back at the same time by signing up the Crafted Kindness class at Online Card Classes.

$100 Prize Pack Giveaway

To show my appreciation for those who support in this great cause, I’m giving away one prize pack valued at over $100 including new/old/used stamps and dies from various companies. For a chance to win, leave a comment below telling me the kindest thing you’ve done.

I’ll announce one lucky winner on Wednesday, December 8th. The winner will also receive a handmade card from me. 🙂

*A winner agrees to pay a shipping/handling fee for their package – $8 for those in the United States and $20 for international. The winner will receive a PayPal invoice for the shipping cost. No other payment methods will be used. 


  1. Gin K.

    What a nice craft package and for a good cause too. I try to be nice to everyone I meet. I use my artistic talents to make cards that I send out to people in need to send some smiles. I have also made blankets for various groups and churches. Since I am retired I do not have much money to spend, but every year my daughter and grand daughters try to do the shoe box Christmas project. I guess the nicest thing I have done lately was to help my elderly neighbor pack up his home of 40 some years. He was overwhelmed with the task and his family was far away, so my husband and I helped him to pack things up and box them. It took us several days and a few weekends also but it was a nice way to spend time with our neighbor before he moved away to another state. As we went through all his treasured item and family mementos he told us about his life. He had lots of interesting stories to tell. He told us that he is only four generations from George Washington. I think it helped him to be able to tell us bits of his story and to be able to let things go. I know that if he had been in better health that he would not have left his home, but he is better off now with his son and daughter-in-law to help take care of him. It was hard work but it was also rewarding to get to know more about our neighbor and to help him with a dreaded task. I’m glad that we were able to help him with such a huge task.
    ~Gin K.~

    Nov . 28 . 2017
  2. Isabelle

    I’ve tried to take advantage of the fact that, 17 years ago, I had to stop working because of important back problems and after many surgeries. As I was an accountant, I’ve tried to help a few elderly persons I’ve met in my “new employed life” with their administrative work (tax declaration, request for financial help, getting reimbursements from insurances, etc.). I think more specially to a 85 years old lady who panics whenever she receive an “official” letter. When I see her calm down again once the work is done, I know I’m useful !

    Nov . 28 . 2017
  3. Stacey Kowbel

    Such a great cause! Thanks to everyone who participated in this.

    Probably the kindest thing I’ve done is participating in a local adopt-a-family for Christmas. The organization stipulates the amount of money to be spent on each family in order to keep gifting fair across all participating families, so I spent a lot of time hunting down bargains for things on the family’s want list while still being able to give them things on their need list. I even knit them toques as that was a need and I had lots of spare yarn, so was able to add some extras without taking away cost from other areas. And of course added a homemade card.

    But in general, I try to be kind and present every day and be there for my friends and family, giving to charities and those in need when possible.

    Nov . 28 . 2017
  4. F. Andre

    Such a wonderful cause to support. We often don’t think of all the big and little things we do to help others and make their lives a little easier. I believe it’s innate in all humans to want to help others. I’m a Girl Guide and try to do at least one good deed each day – helping someone to carry their grocery bags, allowing a parent with children to take a taxi before me, stopping to give someone directions, lending your phone to someone who’s out of credit – kindness is free so we each have an unlimited supply.

    Nov . 28 . 2017
  5. Jennifer Williams

    Hi May,
    This is such a wonderful thing you are doing. I have a friend who lives in the Virgin islands who lost electricity and it was just restored 4 days ago. They did not have fresh water and the most irritating this was that it was VERY hot and mosquitoes were everywhere. We sent repellent, mosquito repellent wipes and things to burn to keep them away as well as non perishables and candles. We are so blessed her to not have suffered through that . She was so very grateful for the help, especially with the threat of Zika and other diseases carried by mosquitoes and standing water. I am going to purchase the classes as well to help out. Thanks for this May we appreciate you.

    Nov . 28 . 2017
  6. Karthikha Uday

    I have always been brought up by my parents that we should help those in need whenever possible and that lead me to take part in social activities in school and college. I made a decision to contribute a part of my salary once I start earning. And I’m not sure if that is the kindest, but I did donate Rs.2500 which was a high amount out of my first salary! And I’m still continuing to give a certain amount every month! We also didn’t celebrate my daughter’s first birthday, instead contributed to an orphanage.

    Nov . 28 . 2017
  7. Lori Ritchie

    Great cause to help these people who have suffered enormous loss because of the weather issues. The nicest thing I have ever done is not just one thing, I always try to help people that are in need by buying them a meal or a coffee, one time a single mother locked her keys in her car and didn’t have money for a tow truck, I allowed her to use my BCAA so it didn’t cost her a penny! Just little things like that!

    Nov . 28 . 2017
  8. Patricia

    I am a social worker by profession but love when I can help anyone outside of work! When I was recently pregnant with my daughter, I engaged in a conversation with a baby store sales associate during checkout. The sales associate saw my hospital scrubs and asked about the program I worked for (a pediatric mobile outreach unit for uninsured children) and then disclosed her own personal medical journey/complications. In that moment, I was able to connect her with community resources and medical clinics for her to access the medical care she was in great need of at the time. I absolutely love that I get to empower people with knowledge so they can make the best informed decisions on their healthcare. Thank you for your generosity and for the opportunity for the giveaway! Hope you have an awesome day!

    Nov . 28 . 2017
  9. Melodie Hennig

    You are so kind May! I took all the cards I made in a previous year and donated them to our local Senior Resource Center so they could be added to socking stuffers for our low income seniors in my community. Thank you so much for all you do in the card making industry. You are a blessing!

    Nov . 28 . 2017
  10. Kailash

    I took a family of 5 shopping for groceries. The excitement on the kids faces when they heard they could have anything especially when it came to buying cereal was priceless.
    Although I think the kindest thing for me is that I had been a friend to my neighbor who had a really bad life and she just passed this last week. Knowing that she considered me her ‘heart friend’ when she felt lonely and my hubby and I looked out for her brings some comfort although I miss her terribly!!

    Nov . 28 . 2017
  11. Tina Cuetara

    Thank you for the class and the chance at a great giveaway. I like to send those just thinking about you cards. To say thank you for being you. We do not need a holiday to let those around us know.

    Nov . 28 . 2017
  12. Regine

    What a great idea! It’s just gone on my Xmas wish!

    Nov . 28 . 2017
  13. Jo Ann U.

    Almost all the cards I make are sent to the military, and I literally make hundreds each year. It’s my calling and my very small way of giving back for such a HUGE sacrifice.

    I love the idea of these classes and continually amazed at the generosity of our crafting community. Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to win the classes.

    Nov . 28 . 2017
  14. bethholt4

    Wow, what a fantastic giveaway! Thank you, May! I don’t know if it is the kindest thing that I have done, but I made up a bunch of stamped and embossed card fronts and brought them with to a recovery home for women in addiction and had an afternoon of card making with them. It was a lot of up front work but totally worth it for them to have something crafty to do and for them to be able to send letters to their loved ones.

    Nov . 28 . 2017
  15. Ruth

    Thank you May, my entire family is in Puerto Rico so this is special to me, thank you for giving of your time to participate, God Bless You.

    Nov . 28 . 2017
  16. Evelyn B

    I like to give a little extra to whomever I’m helping at the moment. Whether it is food to someone who has just had surgery – I always take some dishes that can be “saved” for the time when the rest of the food is gone – maybe something for the freezer for later or when I do craft supplies and I know that person especially wanted a certain stamp set but either didn’t have the money or didn’t think they could spend it I somehow find a way to purchase it and put it in with their purchased supplies. Also I try to address all those who serve us, checkers in a store, or anyone else who helps others by their name. It is a small thing but they always respond with a big grin on their face when they are thanked.

    Thank you for promoting kindness – it is so needed in this world and I’m proud to be a part of folks who actively promote kindness in anyway that we can!! THANK YOU!

    Nov . 28 . 2017
  17. Leanne S

    Thank you for the generous giveaway. I’m an RN by profession…alleviating the spirits of the sick on a daily basis.

    Nov . 28 . 2017
  18. Nicole

    What an amazing giveaway! I am a very giving person and try to help others every chance I get. I am caregiver right now to both of my parents. My dad has Pulmonary Fibrosis so dr’s appointment are always on my schedule. I love to give!!

    Nov . 28 . 2017
  19. Zehra

    I believe kindness is a practice. Everyday there are small and big reasons to be kind. Recently I have started a project to make 110 mini cards by new year. i am done with 28 for my staff to give each other for encouragement or to remind them they are there for each other.

    Nov . 28 . 2017
  20. Kristine A

    I have really, really, enjoyed the videos from this bundle! And such a great cause. Probably the kindest thing I’ve done is that I gave $500 to my daughters awesome teacher, who got sick and was having trouble paying medical bills.

    Nov . 28 . 2017
  21. Andi Szabo

    I like to do random acts of kindness. I will mail out a special card or maybe a stamp set to a crafty friend of something I know they will enjoy!

    Nov . 28 . 2017
  22. Allison in Alabama

    I donated my left kidney! Yup it lives somewhere else now working hard at keeping someone else alive! Please fill out your donor cards – check that box on your driver’s license renewal! You don’t need your kidneys in Heaven! I met so many people waiting for kidneys, trying to survive on dialysis! Encourage everyone you know to sign up up for organ donation!

    Nov . 28 . 2017
  23. Mona Toth

    I loved the “merry making” class that was fantastic! <3 Now I am out of my budget, and christmas is comming 😀 but And I wish I won this class <3 🙂

    Nov . 28 . 2017
  24. Ruby N

    Beautiful cause to support! I am excited for the crafted kindness class! It’s honestly hard to keep track of all the kind things we do in life… it’s been instilled in me by my mother since I was a child so I know that I’ve lived my life trying to help and support others, more often than not by going out of my way. I have a high level of empathy and also aware of my blessings so I tend to want to give more than the average. More recently, I’d say that I got into jewelry making (another expensive hobby! lol) and I made A LOT of rings and bracelets. When my mom was going back to her home country to visit her family, I decided to gift over 50 pieces of jewelry to all my relatives and friends there. I could have sold that here for profit but I felt like they would really appreciate it more than anyone else. There are plenty more examples, but they are just little things every day. 🙂 Thanks so much for the opportunity, May! I hope I get to meet you at Creativation if you’re there in January! Hugs.

    Nov . 28 . 2017
  25. violaleary

    There was a lady in the store and she had two small children in tow. She couldnt find her money to pay her bill. She look frazzled. I paid for her food so she could get home. She offerd to pay me back, i just told her instead to pay it forward.
    Sometimes when going through a drive through i will pay for the person behind me. Making someone elses smile is all its about.
    I also run into people that are just starting on their crafting journey and they have limited supplies. It feels good to help others get some use out of things that i have. Im sure we all have embellishments, stamp sets or paper that we bought but never used. Carring on and growing our industry is what is all about

    Nov . 28 . 2017

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